Halo sobat Clasher
Salam Clasher
Clash On!!!
Kabar gembira buat kita semua kulit manggis kini ada ekstrak nya...
eh salah
BrokenBot ada update terbaru lohhh..
ini dia BrokenBot v 2.8.0
Berikut Changelog nya :
- Major stability enhancements
- Speed optimization - we cut the time it takes to find a well hidden TH by 60% from our previous release. It now takes 1.2sec on average vs never finding it or taking 20 seconds like our competitors. **speedBoost must be enabled.
- Precision enhancements - We have reduced our image recognition error rate from 4% down to 2.4% - Nearly 10 times better than other bots!
- Resource collection - we had to lower the thresholds to make sure we collect some of your harder to detect resources. The side-effect is you will see it clicking walls sometimes for a fraction of a second. This is expected and controlled, it will not perform an erroneous action.
- Implemented speedBoost - found on the config tab. Check this to locate DE and TH faster at the cost of more CPU load during searching.
- Fixed PushBullet. We now check the server for up to 3 new commands once every minute. Bot may respond to commands slightly slower but this will prevent us from being blocked from using their servers.
- Various bug fixes related to searching.
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Salam Clasher
Clash On!!!
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